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Using the Gallery and posting pictures (Walkthrough)


There have been questions about how to use the gallery and/or how to post pictures so I decided to try and put something together here to help out the members.

Setting up your gallery

Step 1:  Locate the menu bar near the top of screen and click on GALLERY.

Step 2:  At the top right of the new page you will see another menu bar.  Locate this menu bar and click on MY GALLERY.

Step 3:  Assuming this is your first time using the Gallery you won't have any Categories set up yet.  To set up a Category, locate the Gallery Admin Panel in the middle of the screen.  There you will find the link Add Category.  Click on that.

Step 4:  This page allows you to set up the details of your category and personalize it a little. 

Title: This will display as a link to enter your gallery.
Parent Category:  If creating a Sub-Category within a Category this will set with one of your main Categories this new one will fall under.
Descrition:  This text box is unlabeled however whatever you put in this text box will follow the Category Title and provide insight in to what can be expected within that Category.
Gallery Icon URL:  If you wish to add an image to apppear next to your Category Title and that image is already hosted online somewhere you can add the specific URL for that image here.
Upload Gallery Icon:  If you wish to add an image to appear next to your Category Title that is stored on your computer you can use this option.
Sort By:  This allows you to display your images based on certain criteria.
Order:  This will allow you to further adjust the order in which your images will appear.
Now you can go ahead and click on Add Category to create your Category and move on to the next page.

Step 5:  Now that you have set up your Category you can go ahead and open your new Category by clicking on it.

Step 6:  At this point you can do a few things.  If you wish to further organize your images you can create Sub-Categories.  That process is the same as setting up your first Category.  Your other two options here are to Bulk Add Pictures or Add Picture.  Very similar to each other, adding a single image is slightly more involved if you want it to be so we'll go that route.  So to add an image, locate Add A Picture in the center of the screen and click on it.

Step 7:  This is very similar to creating a Category. 

Title:  Add a title to the image you are uploading.
Category:  Denotes what Category the image will be placed in.  Current Categories and Sub-Categories only.  If you are currently in a Sub-Category, you will have to back out of it in order to load a picture to it's Parent-Directory.
Description:  This area is used to let other members know what they're looking at, what has been done, what phase of a detail you're in, etc.
Keywords:  Words attached to an image, usually relating to it in some way, to make it easier to find in a search.
Upload Picture:  Browse your computer for the image you want to upload.
Rotate Image by ___ Degrees:  Allows you to rotate the image during the upload process.  Especially useful for changing the orientation of an image from Portrait to Landscape or up-side down to right-side up.

Once you have filled in all of information you wish to you can go ahead and click on Add Picture.  Certain conditions may require more time to load an image.  If using the Add Bulk Images feature, the more images you are loading to the Gallery, the longer it will take.  Please be patient and allow it to do it's thing.

You have now successfully uploaded an image to the Gallery.  Let's continue on now to adding an image(s) to your post.  Having two windows open is the best way to accomplish this.  The first window will be for you current post, whether it be starting a new thread or replying to someone elses.  The second window you will use to navigate to your gallery. 

Adding images to your posts

Step 1:  Assuming you already have your two windows open and you have already started using window #1 for your post, switch over to window #2.  From anywhere at the Cafe, using the main menu at the top of the page, locate and click on GALLERY. 

Step 2:  Locate the menu bar in the upper right corner of the screen and click on MY GALLERY.  You gallery will open displaying all of your Categories you have created.  Navigate through your Categories and Sub-Categories to the image you want to add to your post. 

Step 3:  When you find the image, click on it to open it.  Under the image you will find Image Linking Codes. 

BB Code:  Copy and paste this to your post where you would like the image to appear. 
Direct Link:  Copy and paste this to display the image as a link.  The image itself will NOT appear in the post.
So go ahead and copy the BB Code and go back to window #1.  You can now paste that code anywhere in your post that you want that image to appear.  If you want to add more than one image, just switch back to window #2 and find the next image in your gallery that you wish to use and repeat the process until you are satisfied. 

If you still have any problems please don't hesitate to contact any of the Admin or Mods.


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